Tag: luxury resorts

  • Equestrian-Friendly Getaways

    Do you have a horseback-riding enthusiast in the family? When you’ve discovered an inn with stables and great trails, it gets tougher to book other lodging without risk of subpar guides and trails. These leads should get you booking beyond your comfort zone in no time so one can enjoy the equestrian-type vacation you want.…

  • Your Island Guide

    We all dream of heading to a near-private island someday, perhaps with a drink in hand, and letting the stress melt away. Unlike some countries in the world, we’re lucky enough to have island resort options quite close to our home base. If you don’t know where to stay, but you know that you want…

  • Secret Roads in Rome

    If you’ve traveled to Rome before, you probably noticed that it’s difficult to take in much at first pass. The streets are bustling, ruins are hidden (and yet in plain sight when you’re not looking for them), and there’s so much to do. Travel expert Abigail Hole took to the streets in Rome to highlight…

  • The Best of WhataHotel.com, Part II

    We’ve got enough recommendations to keep you busy for a while, so it seems like the perfect time to introduce the second part of our luxury hotel list. It’s not easy to decide where to go when you have a world map in front of you — and a lot of options at WhataHotel.com —…

  • The Best Holes in Golf

    You might be an enthusiastic leisure golfer, but do you keep track of the best holes on each course you visit? The good news is that the pros have created a run-down of the best options for you, all around the world. The tough part is picking out which resort you’ll book when you do…

  • The Best of 2011: WhataHotel.com's Top Recommendations

    Everybody needs a round-up sometimes, and today’s that day here at WhataHotel.com. We paged through some of the best articles in the first half of 2011 to show you what you missed — these are our top hotel recommendations so far. Feature I The Hottest Vacation Spots We take a look at island vacations, from…

  • Far-flung Vacation Destinations

    Stumped on where to go for your next vacation? Here are some suggestions if you are interested in a far-flung destination with luxury hotels & resorts.For a Middle East treat, try Lebanon.Four Seasons Hotel BeirutThe Mediterranean provides the perfect setting for a mysterious vacation in another corner of the world. A 360-degree view of Beirut…

  • Catching the Best Waves Near Bali

    Are you interested in surfing? Even if you’ve never grabbed a longboard before, it’s better to invest in a spot that will provide the right environment for a proper lesson. Big waves, rocky surf, and wide-open beaches are all part of the surfing experience, and they are part of a top hotel visit, too —…

  • Where in the World to Go This Summer

    Got plans to travel this summer? If you want to go somewhere either this year or plan in advance for 2012, these hotels are some of the hottest picks out there for the traveling set. Have yourself a browse and know that every one on this list allows exclusive perks for the plucking via WhataHotel.com.…

  • Take a Mancation

    Have you heard of the travel show from Evan Mann and Gareth Reynolds called Mancations? These trips are described as visiting “places where guys go to get away from it all and get back to their primal roots,” and you know that these opportunities are bound to be testosterone-filled, thrilling, and memory-making (but stripped bare…