"Encouraging" Signs on Swine Flu Ease Concerns

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official said this Sunday that there are “encouraging” signs that the swine flu is less severe than previously thought. Richard Besser of the CDC commented on “FOX News Sunday” that the H1N1 influenza A virus doesn’t seem to be any worse than our garden-variety flu. While the situation has been deemed “rapidly evolving,” it’s important to keep in mind that even the average flu bug kills 36,000 each year.

Swine flu is being painstakingly monitored everywhere in the world, and the United States has an “aggressive” approach in pursuing both suspected and confirmed cases. It may be sprinkled throughout the U.S. in 34 states, but there has been a single death as of yet, which was recorded in Texas.

In other words, proceeding with caution but still booking your stay at a luxury hotel wouldn’t be unwise. According to current reports, recent fluctuations in the travel industry have lead to some enticing discounts. Government and travel officials have also reassured the public that air travel is safe, with the President and CEO of U.S. Travel Association Roger Dow even commenting that “the air on a plane is cleaner than the air in my office building” because “the air goes out the sides of the plane and up through HEPA filters, which are hospital filters.”

With some hand sanitizer and common sense, that luxury hotel booking will still be yours.


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